Math Summary

October 02, 2007
It’s been two months without any posts... Well, first of all I am pretty embarrassed, since I love this blog, but to be perfectly honest, I never found anything really interesting to write, so I didn’t.

Here is a small review of the two last months: I started to work hard on my math summary, I had a lot of things to fix at home, I started my painting lessons again, I had dengue and the big project that I was working on, got approved. Most of this time passed between the dengue stuff and the project, the cool thing is that this project will represent something really nice to show at my curriculum and also at the application process.

The only big thing that I was working on related to gmat is my math summary, in this summary, I am making a compilation of all the math books that I have, since I got tired of looking at some subject and no book had it totally well explained, so I went to the OG, and I made a list of all the math subjects tested on the GMAT, so later on, my summary can be my main math reference.

I know this sounds like a lot of work... the truth, yes it has, but the cool thing is that I reviewed a lot of math concepts, and since math is my main concern, for me it was important to make this summary, I expect to have this summary done by next week...

Well, anyway, here I am back again into posting!
posted by Catalina at 10/02/2007, |